
Our agency is passionate about assisting churches in the
important area of their church insurance and risk
management programs.
We recognize that each church is unique in their ministry exposures, facilities, and church culture.
We work individually with each church to tailor a package
that best suits their needs and budget.
Quickly and easily submit your application for a free church insurance quote via our easy to use website!

A comprehensive insurance package is a critical part of protecting your church, but a policy on a shelf will not prevent injury, save lives, or reduce the likelihood of a costly, time consuming lawsuit. Allegations of sexual misconduct, negative response to spiritual counseling, serious injury or death from unsafe activities or conditions, or questionable decisions made by leadership can all seriously impact a church’s ministry and reputation.
Establishing an effective risk management program in your church can potentially minimize or even eliminate occurrences that can have a financial impact on your church ministry. We are available to our insured churches with Risk Management tools and resources.
Someone is
to help you.
We are standing
by to help you with
any questions you
might have
concerning a new
insurance policy.
